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Ideating & Incubating Innovative Ideas Towards Digitalisation

The COVID-19 Black Swan event has disrupted many businesses and individuals. It has since introduce the new way of working (WoW) with digital and low-touch. The key and great opportunity to progress, especially during the disruptive time is INNOVATION. Increasingly intense competitive landscape in fast-changing environment is forcing organizations to develop and innovate new services, practices, products, processes and business models through digitalisation.   Creating and delivering new values to your customers and stakeholders are even more pressing in the new normalcy and low touch economy.

This programme shall help participants to :-

  • Understand the current industry trends
  • Explore and leverage the emerging digital technology @ 4IR
  • Understand what is/is not innovation
  • Collaborate & work as a team to innovate
  • Learn the 7 Mindsets to innovate
  • Apply creative thinking & ideation tools to create innovative solutions
  • Understand the Design Thinking and Agile Development process
  • Ideate innovative solutions that create values to their organizations in the shortest time! 

Do come prepared with your business pain-points, SWOTs and other baselining data. It’s time to put on your creative thinking hats, collaborate in teams and have fun in ideating and incubating your innovative ideas.  


• This programme is designed as a directed innovation workshop for Engineers, ICT Specialists, Technologists, Manufacturing Professionals, Manufacturing & Process engineers and knowledge talent who aspire to push your creative thinking envelope, ideate novel ideas towards winning innovative solutions that solve business pain-points.